Hair Transplantation
Hair Transplantation
What is hair transplantation?Hair transplantation is the procedure of transferring hair roots taken from other parts of the head or from other parts of the body to the areas in which hair shedding takes place. It is a surgical operation applied for the treatment of hair loss of that of hair thinning.

Hair transplantation can be performed in anyone who experiences hair thinning or hair shedding. It can be applied in every age group. The important point is that the hair shedding should not be related to any disease in the scalp and this person should have healthy hair rots to be transplanted. If hair shedding is related with a disease in the scalp such as Alopesia arreata, or if there is a fungal infection in the scalp, hair transplantation is not suitable.
From where the hair roots to be transplanted are taken?The most suitable donor area for the hair transplantation is the scalp again. The hair roots located at the rear part of our head are present from the birth and they remain alive until the end of the life. Hair transplantation is achieved by transferring some of these roots which are not shedding to the shedding area. Hair root can be taken from the beard, from the anterior part of the trunk or from different area of the body however the success ratio of grafting of these roots is lower compared to those being taken from the scalp.
What are the hair transplantation technique?- In FUT (Follicular Unit Transfer) technique, hair roots are separated by taking a scalp portion in the form of a thin strip from the nucha and, they are transferred to the area of transplantation. Since this method causes traces in the form a thin line remaining on the nucha portion where the scalp part is taken it is not applied to much.
- In FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) technique, hair roots are extracted individually by means of a thin device with a thin tip. The most important advantage of this technic is that no trace remains on the nape region.
- In the robotic hair transplantation technique, hair roots are taken by means of a specially designed robotic instrument. It is an instrument aiming to take hair roots with minimal loos. Transplantation procedure is performed with classical methods again. It has no superiority yet compared to experienced hands.
- DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) technique is a method in which the extracted hair roots are transplanted with a pen-like device. Since it eliminates the necessity of forming a canal in the transplantation area, it is a more manageable method which shortens the procedure duration.
If you are using anticoagulant (blood-thinning) drugs, you should cease to use them seven to ten days before by consulting to your doctor.
Some drugs and some vitamins have anticoagulant (blood-thinning) effects and bleedings may be increased during the recovery period. It is extremely important to inform your physician about the medications that you use, the nutritional supplements, slimming teas.
If you have any allergy toward any substance or medications, please definitely inform your physician. We suggest the patients consuming tobacco products to cease smoking at least three weeks before the surgery. No alcohol should be consumed for one week before the surgery.
It is beneficial for you to snack before coming to surgery The patient should be hungry at least six hours before the surgery. While coming to the surgery do not make up, do not pin jewelry, do not apply nail varnish, and do not bring your valuables with your own. While coming to the surgery, the hairs should be washed. No hair gel, no mousse or no hair care product should be applied to hairs
How long does the hair transplantation procedure last?Hair transplantation lasts four to eight hours according to the size of the transplantation area. First, hair roots are taken. Then, the person is left for resting by taking a break. Later, transplantation procedure is performed. The procedure is terminated by performing dressings following the procedure.
There will swellings and bruises in your face and in your neck for several days after the procedure. Since these will disappear spontaneously within several days you should not worry about this situation. You should protect the area in which the transplantation was performed from the friction and from the impacts.
You should lie supine while you are sleeping. To lie on sides or to welter may damage the transplantation area. First washing will be done by us and during this washing you will be taught about how washing should be done. There some medication that you should use after the procedure. Detailed information about them will be given to you.
No sport activity should be done and, bath and sauna should not be used and hairdresser procedures should not be applied during the two weeks following the surgical procedure. You should not use blood-thinning (anti-coagulant) drugs and herbal supplies for ten days following the surgery. Smoking impairs the wound healing and it causes the transplanted roots to die. Thus, you should not consume tobacco products as much as possible. You should not consume alcohol for fifteen days following the procedure.
There may small rashes and pustules in the region from where the hair roots were taken. They will disappear by themselves as you use the prescribed medications as much as properly and you make the washing procedure as much as conveniently.
The growth of the hairs may last for approximately one year following the hair transplantation.
Another transplantation can be done in people who previously experienced a hair transplantation procedure however we should evaluate whether there exist sufficient hair roots.